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Returns and exchanges of this product are not possible for hygiene reasons.
Comfortable SWY panties that are not too tight and are almost invisible. Available in 5 colours: red, black, pink, azzure and nude. Returns and exchanges of this product are not possible for hygiene reasons.
Usually delivered in 2-4 working days. Delivery time might increase during Black Friday times (up to two weeks).
Sono le mie preferite sia per andare in palestra che per tutti i giorni. Sono le migliori perché non segnano il corpo ma lo avvolgono delicatamente. Comfort al top!
super hlačke katere se lepo skrijejo pod pajkicami ali drugimi hlačami
Odličan materijal 👌🤗
udobne, mehke, najljubše za uporabo.
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